
  • 日期:2024.07.20 (Sat) 09:00~17:30
  • 地點:臺大醫院國際會議中心401會議室(地址:台北市中正區徐州路2號)
  • 主辦單位:台灣尿失禁防治會、台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會
  • 贊助單位:暉致醫藥股份有限公司
  • 教育積分:泌尿科醫學會、專科護理師、護理師/士、物理治療師(生)積分申請中
  • 報名網址:http://www.tcs.org.tw/news/news_info.asp?/1634.html
Time Topic Speaker Moderators
08:30-08:55 報到
08:55-09:00 Opening 郭漢崇
09:00-09:25 Physical examination and specific test:

  • PE for male and female LUTS, Bladder, genitalia, urethral meatus
  • NE: BCR, anal tone, anal contraction, saddle sensation
  • DRE and PFM: prostate, PFM tone, PFM tendered points, Cystocele grading
  • PFM massage: technique and effect
陳妤甄 廖俊厚
09:25-09:50 Urodynamic study and interpretation:

  • Male LUTS 
  • Female LUTS 
  • IC/BPS
  • Female and male SUI POP
  • NLUTD in CVA PD Dementia
范玉華 葉忠信
09:50-10:15 Clinical application of UDS in voiding and bladder management:

  • UDS interpretation and treatment modality selection
  • Safe bladder capacity
  • Low bladder compliance
  • BN dysfunction and DV, PRES
  • Bladder diary interpretation
林佑樺 林登龍
10:15-10:35 Break
10:35-11:00 Ultrasonographic examination and application in voiding and bladder management

  • Ultrasound: kidney. bladder wall thickness, PVR measurement
  • TRSB: SUI, ISD, hypermobility, Cystocele
洪梵菁 林志杰
11:00-11:25 Cystoscopic hydrodistention: technique, interpretation, and clinical implication for selection of treatment modality

  1. Non-Hunner’s IC – diagnosis and clinical implication
  2. Hunner’s IC – diagnosis and clinical implication
  3. Cystoscopic Botox/ PRP injection for IC/BPS
  4. Electrocauterization and Laser ablation of Hunner’s IC
  5. Intravesical instillation of Hyaluronic acid- technique and treatment outcome
張嘉峰 林子平
11:25-11:50 Physical and pelvic floor therapy for lower urinary tract dysfunction

  • IC/BPS: Intravesical HA treatment, LESW, PFM message
  • OAB: PTNS, TTNS. Biofeedback PFMT
  • Voiding dysfunction: abdominal straining, Crede maneuver, CIC, CISC, technique and program design
  • Low energy shock wave for IC and PFMP
劉昕和 郭育成
11:50-12:20 Lunch Symposium
Pathophysiology and multimodal therapy for different IC/BPS phenotype
郭漢崇 余宏政
IC Interactive Workshops
12:20-12:40 How to identify and approach IC patients in daily clinical practice 廖俊厚
12:40-13:00 Hydrodilatation Procedure: step-by-step video demonstration 郭漢崇
13:00-13:20 Cystoscopic characteristic findings of IC and clinical implications 江元宏
13:20-13:40 Tips of application of HA under NIH regulation and maximum the treatment effects 林志杰
13:40-14:00 How to Identify Interstitial Cystitis in Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Treat Them with Effective Therapy 郭漢崇
14:00-14:25 Physical Bladder training, voiding management

  • Determine frequency of CIC/CISC and safe bladder volume for CIC
  • Bladder management strategy, according to the patient's LUTD
  • Medication to improve voiding efficiency and LUTS
胡書維 鍾旭東
14:25-14:50 Catheter care and bladder management strategy

  • Cystostomy care and voiding training
  • Indwelling urethral catheter care
  • Indication of Botox and surgical intervention
  • Bladder and voiding management in addition to CIC or indwelling catheter
彭崇信 蒙  恩
14:50-15:15 Electrical stimulation and biofeedback for male and female LUTD

  • PTNS for OAB, IC, DV, SUI
  • TTNS for OAB, IC, DV, SUI
  • Biofeedback PFMT, and transvaginal electric stimulation
胡如娟 王炯珵
15:15-15:30 Break
15:30-15:55 Medical therapy for male LUTD

  • Principle, indication, combination, adverse effect of medication for functional urology, 5-ARI, alpha-blocker, antimuscarinics, beta-3 agonist, SSRI, baclofen, anti-inflammatory drug, Botox….
  • Male LUTD
姜秉均 張尚仁
15:55-16:20 Medical therapy for female LUTD

  • Female SUI and POP      • Female overactive bladder
  • Female voiding dysfunction
    • Female bladder hypersensitivity
許齡內 蕭聖謀
16:20-16:45 Surgical indication, technique, and perioperative care of surgery and management of urinary incontinence, voiding dysfunction, and chronic pelvic pain
• Male LUTD

  1. 肉毒桿菌素注射
  2. 尿道下吊帶手術
  3. 高濃度血小板血清注射
  4. 人工括約肌植入術
  5. 膀胱頸及前列腺手術
  6. 骨盆底低能量震波治療
  7. 骨盆底肌肉運動訓練
江元宏 陳建志
16:45-17:10 Surgical indication, technique and perioperative care of surgery in Female LUTD

  1. 肉毒桿菌素注射
  2. 尿道下吊帶手術
  3. 陰道網膜植入手術
  4. 高濃度血小板血清注射
  5. 達文西骨盆重建手術
  6. 骨盆底肌肉運動訓練
  7. 膀胱頸切開手術
  8. 骨盆底低能量震波治療
莊斐琪 許博欽
17:10-17:30 Discussion and Closing 廖俊厚

台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 敬祝您~中秋佳節愉快!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 婦女泌尿繼續教育~歡迎踴躍報名!FUGA x TAG x TAMIG combined meeting~ 歡迎踴躍報名!!FUGA 中區研討會~ COMING SOON!!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿(暨骨盆重建)專科醫師甄審~ COMING SOON!!FUGA 2024年會暨婦女泌尿高峰論壇~ COMING SOON!!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 敬祝您~龍年行大運!!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 祝您~婦女節快樂!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 祝您~母親節快樂!!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 祝各位~端午節快樂!